About Us
Our friendly, professional staff has been providing hearing health care to adults and children in the area for over 30 years.
Our clinical staff brings a great combination of extensive experience and dedication mixed with fresh, new ideas. Technology moves fast these days, so our clinicians all attend workshops regularly to keep current with advances in technology and new products that become available. One of the benefits of being an independent clinic is that we have access to all hearing aid makes and models available in Ontario.
London Audiology Consultants established the LAKE Fund (London Audiology Kids Equipment and Testing Fund) to help families in need of financial assistance to pay for their children’s hearing aids, earmolds and follow up care.
We formed Team Ear-Resistibles as a fun way to give back to the community.
London Audiology Consultants is a teaching clinic to help prepare the next generation of clinicians.
About Us
London Audiology Consultants is committed to our community and involved in various events, fundraisers and initiatives.